Alzheimer's Café
Red chairs/table
The Alzheimer’s Café is a free, monthly get-together for people who have a mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia, their family members, and interested members of the community. We encourage the Community to participate and learn more about those dealing with memory loss. Activities include music, art, massage, and crafts with delicious snacks and beverages.

Our Alzheimer's Café is one of the few programs of its kind in California. Already a popular model in Europe, we are the first in California. Persons with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia meet and socialize in a setting that is accepting and nonjudgemental. They have fun in a stress-free environment and are not faced with the social challenges that their disease poses.

Is your organization interested in hosting an Alzheimer's Cafe?  If so, call our office!

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